5 Steps to Beat Resistance

Ima Just ramble a little on beating resistance today girl – hope you’re into it!

Yo my #sweatyfriend

What’s been shakin your hood girl? {lolz who says hood?}

I just got finished putting up my Chapter 2 of #TakingBackMyMornings and I had a whole wave of resistance hit me. Maybe cause I was just talking about it on the video I was editing – maybe cause I have mucho mucho amount of things to do before we head to St. Lucia but either way it was harshin my buzz.

So while I had a completely different post planned out for today I thought I would touch on resistance instead.

I talk a bit about in the Chapter 2 video but I wanted to share with you what I normally do when I am feelin it creep up {and boy does it CREEP Up}.

I very rarely find that resistance is something that hits me like a brick.

It’s a sneaky bugger instead.

I think a lot of people {myself included} miss when they are feeling resistance towards something….

In my life it appears as “needing to clean something” {#trust that I RARELY get the urge otherwise unless it’s uber messy} , “needing to check instagram just one more time”, “the sudden need to be the most hydrated person on the planet” {yup when I’m feeling resistance Jennifer Aniston better watch out cause I’m comin for that Smart Water contract she’s got}, “the desire to browse amazon {or insert other trending online store ATM}” etc….

It’s all these little things that are just feelings of needing to do something other than what I really NEED to do.

Everyone has their own little tell tale signs – and ya gotta really start to do a bit of a life review to find out what yours are.

Perfect example – I used to be realllllyyyy bad at picking the blackheads on my nose – but only on some days…..

Guess which days those were!

Yup… the resistance riddled ones.

So I thought I would put together a list of 5 step process I use to get over that resistance hump when I catch it

1. Know what your resistance triggers are….

Spend some time journaling and figure out when you do x….. that means y {and why is usually the resistance} I gave you a list of some common ones and a sneaky one of my own now ya gotta go out and figure out what yours are. One of the best ways I find to figure them out is to journal and/or spend a whole week tracking how much you get done vs what you did that day. The triggers will be obvious!

Once you have identified that you are in the midst of resistance {not to make it sound #soyogi but that’s where you are….}

2. Take 10 deep breaths.

I know this sounds simple enough- duhhhh take some breaths, relax, chill out yo. But when was the last time you ACTUALLY did that when you needed it?

I’m guessing probs not recently – unless it was in lieu of a panic attack and you had a paper bag- #justsayin.

Bonus points if you can breath in and out through your nose – but in through your nose and out through your mouth should do the trick too.

This will activate your parasympathetic nervous system – also known as your rest and digest.

This way you can make better choices for your future endeavours and you’re not acting from a state of “oh shitttttt”

Now that you’ve calmed the efffff down…

3. Take out a sheet of paper and write down all the things you need to do…

I got little bits and pieces of this method from tons of teachers but the GTD {getting things done} method was probs the most influential.

Often times I feel resilience because I have no idea where to start, what to do next and I have a running list of a million things I NEED to do. I feel pulled in a gazillion directions. So I start to spin uncontrollably.

The thing that seems to put my feet back on solid ground is taking out a sheet of paper and writing down EVERYTHING.


Got a loose hangnail you need to clip? – write it down

New shirt been sitting on the dining room table in the bag for the last 3 days? – write it down

Need to write an e-mail to someone? – write it down

Keep forgetting to run the dishwasher? – you guessed it…. write it down

David Allen the creator of the GTD method believes that our minds work on a loop like system and when you have all of these “unfinished” loops of little things you have to do and you keep forgetting he thinks it’s like your mind is trying to keep a billion tabs open, much like on a computer. Writing it down is sorta like saving the URL for later and closing the tab.

I have found this to be one of the most effective things I do in beating resistance…. seeing everything I need to accomplish in one place. That way I feel I don’t need to keep worrying about the other things and I can focus on the tasks I choose to do next.

Speaking of which now that you have your list….

4. Identify the thing thats the most important.

I know you may feel like things are “urgent” or “important” but take Β second – go back to your deep breathing and identify the ONE thing. That if it didn’t get done your life may end as we know it. Or your life won’t end up as we know it.

Often times for me that’s releasing some content or creating a new workout or video.

For you….

What’s that pivotal thing that you NEED to do in order to move the needle closer to where it needs to be.

Chances are something popped into your head as the most important – run with that!

If nothing popped into your head or you can’t decided between 2 – imagine what would happen if none of these got done…

Ah panic probs set in – but now imagine one at a time from that panic that you have completed each of those tasks. Which do you feel the most satisfaction with?

Do that one first

Now that you know what’s the most important project/idea/task to work on

5. Identify what the next step is

Roll up to stand-Day 1- 3x3x3 - Full body Home workout

Often times we think we know what the next step is but we don’t actually.

Lemme give ya an example girl….

If I wanted to write a blog post – I’d probs have “write blog post” on my previous list – I would identify that as my MUST do and “begin”

But here’s the thing – and you’ll feel this if you are drowning in resistance especially – that seems like such a daunting task that you don’t wanna do it and the resistance comes charing at you full force.

So rather than “write blog post” as your next task you need to make it mucho smaller.

How strong the resistance is will determine how small your task must be.

For some people in that example “write for 20 minutes” can be enough of a small step to propel them onto finishing the task – but for someone feeling hella resistance they’re gonna need to go as small as “open computer, log into wordpress, open new post page….”

But getting those things rolling will create a little less resistance, a little less resistance, a little less…..

Until there is basically none and you’re swimmin in your accomplishments.

Get it girllll

Bonus step numero 6 is to make sure you celebrate every little step you take.

It sounds so small and insignificant that you wrote for 20 minutes or you did 5 push ups but girl lemme tell ya – you’re already ahead of someone who hasn’t done anything about their resistance and let it carry them into an online shopping binge {btws totes not judging been there done that bought the t-shirt many times yo!}

What’s your key to beating resistance? Lemmenoe girl- we can all help each other out!

That’s all for this addition of PD Thursday

πŸ’¦ Aspiring #movementninja out ✌

5 steps to beating resistance


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Let’s get #socialgirlfriend ✌

I’m on medium daily-ish now so if ya wanna see my random ramblings make sure you go here: https://medium.com/@sweatandyoga

Insta: http://www.instagram.com/suncanasay

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Music for this vid: www.epidemicsound.com

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links which means if you happen to make a purchase through one of the links, Sweat & Yoga will earn a small commission. Thanks so much for the support!
If you have any pre existing conditions please speak to a Dr. before performing any of these exercises – I always encourage you to drive your own vessel I can’t know what you’re feeling In your body – my goal is to help you get better at hearing it but at the end of the day all of this is up to you and therefore by doing this video you release Suncana and sweat and yoga from any liability.

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