Full Body Medicine Ball Workout 🏐

Yo Sweaty Friend! All about that Medicine Ball  for a Full Body Medicine Ball Workout 🏐

Move dat heavy ball around girl.

So sweaty friend – I remember medicine balls of my past.

I remember in high school when I was introduced to medicine balls I had no idea how powerful of a workout tool they were. Granted we only really used them for those silly passing sit up games during circuits. But my oh my have I found great use in them in my adultsh life.

They are a great way to add some extra resistance – create an uneven surface or throw your balance off just check out this full body medicine ball workout I did the other day.

Left me sore for a while lemme tell ya

All you have to do is keep your form on point and do the exercises as quickly as possible without loosing integrity in your body’s structure. Easier said than done I know

You need to complete all the moves all the way through take a 1 minute rest and start back up at the top – repeat 5 times. There ya have it finito w muscle pains galore.

Here’s the move breakdown

1/ Ball Walls

Pretty simple move.

Start in a squat- knees tracking over the toes- core engaged – ribs down. The medicine ball at chest level – think namaste hands { yup let’s get #soyogi} . Push through your heels and explode up with the ball keeping extra care not to flare the chest and loose integrity in the belly on the way up.

Do this move 10 times.

Medicine ball - ball walls - full body medicine ball workout

Medicine ball - ball walls - full body medicine ball workout

2/ Lunge & Twist

Ah the lunge & twist – one of my fave moves to get those obliques fired up yo✌.

Start w both feet together step the right foot forward keeping the pelvis tucked under to keep the core on. Making sure the glutes are workin dem thangs esp the glute of the left leg. Then twist towards the right keeping.. Make sure the twist comes from the obliques and core not from the arms twisting. Take your left leg and slowly bring it forward into a lunge on the other side and twist to the left.

Do this move 10 times on each side.

lunge & twist - full body medicine ball workout

lunge & twist - full body medicine ball workout

3/ Side to Side Ball Walls

This move is fun – kind of reminds me getting ready for a good sideways bump in high school gym when we played volleyball. Maybe it’s just the intense oblique work who knows.

Start in a half squat {knees 90 degrees is a half squat not a full one – if ya don’t know now ya know 🧐 } twist your body to the left with the medicine ball in hand. Use the obliques to bring moment as you throw the ball across your body. Bounce it off the wall {hence the brilliance name ball walls } and catch it on your right side. Repeat starting on the right side and that’s one rep. Make sure you don’t lose the integrity of your half squat throughout the duration.

Repeat 10 reps

side to side ball walls - full body medicine ball workout

side to side ball walls - full body medicine ball workout

4/ Uneven Weighted Squat

These are definitely difficult – the ball kept falling out of my hands as I tried to stand up. That’s the extra challenge for the core for sure.

Start in a full squat with your ribs down and a neutral spine. The medicine ball in your left hand with your elbow at 90 degrees. Push through the heels of the feet and the left hand to stand up. As you stand up press the medicine ball up overhead.

Take extra care to move with integrity and keep your core fired up throughout. Using your exhale as your movement point.

Repeat 10 reps and then do the right side 10 times.

uneven weighted squat - full body medicine ball workout

uneven weighted squat - full body medicine ball workout

5/ Medicine Ball Uneven Push Ups

Start in a push up position with the medicine ball under your left hand. Drop the full body down slowly keeping the elbows in close to the chest. Push back up and transfer your weight onto your hand as you roll the medicine ball over from your left hand to your right. Pu your left hand back down on the ground and transfer weight into it and bring the medicine ball under the right hand. Drop down for a push up. This is one rep. Roll the ball over to the other side to go again.

Throughout this make sure that you keep your stability in the push up. Your shoulders are engaged and not popping off the back of the body like wings.

Do 10 reps.

Medicine ball plank - full body medicine ball workout

Medicine ball push up - full body medicine ball workout

6/ Figure 8 Lunges

Girllll if you ever played basketball this may be your fave move. It’s the figure 8 but we add some extra resistance since the med ball is a tich heavier than a basketball.

Start standing upright and step your left foot forward into  lunge. Shift the weight of the medicine ball into your right hand and then pass it from right to left underneath the left thigh. Bring the ball back to chest hight and set back with the left foot. Now step forward with the right foot. Shift the weight of the medicine ball into your left hand and then pass it from left to right underneath the right thigh. Bring the ball back to chest hight and step back with the right foot. This completes one rep.

Make sure that you are utilizing your core and powering through the steps rather than letting the ball take charge wherever it plans to go. If you find that the med ball is running the show and making you fall over – switch to a smaller ball until you gain greater stability in the move and better strength and control in the arms – the balls can be bulky so it takes time to work up to a bigger one on this move.

Do 10 reps.

figure 8 lunge - full body medicine ball workout

figure 8 lunge - full body medicine ball workout

7/ The Final move Side to Side Lunge Slams

Yup we are on the finale. This is a great move to get the full body movin in new ways.

Start in a lunge position w the right foot forward and the medicine ball on the inside of the right foot. Pick the ball up, pivot on your toes as you bring the medicine ball around and overhead. Pivot all the way around so that you are lunging toward the back of the room left foot forward and slam the ball on the inside fo the left foot. Pick the ball back up and pivot as you bring the ball overhead. Come back to your original lunge with the right foot facing forward and slam the ball down on the inside of the right foot. Dats one rep.

Much like the last move if you feel yourself loosing your ability to stay low in the lunge and controlled with the overhead windmill of the medicine ball switch to a smaller ball for now – ain’t no shame in that game. The goal is always to keep it interesting and different but safe.

Do 10 reps.

Side to side lunge with ball slam - full body medicine ball workout

Side to side lunge with ball slam - full body medicine ball workout

Side to side lunge with ball slam - full body medicine ball workout

Now rest for a full minute girlfriend – then hop on back to the beginning and repeat this full body medicine ball workout 5 times.

Remember to stop if you feel yourself loosing integrity in the moves. I know this is something that people say but often it falls on def ears or people don’t actually know that is meant by that.

Here’s what I mean:

If you find yourself falling over, loosing balance or ditching any of the form ques I mention in the description of the moves – danger will robinson danger. Grab yourself fa lighter weight or quit doing the moves! Ain’t no shame in that game girl fo realz. I’d rather you were all #movementninja for a long arse time than you incur yourself. Medicine ball workouts seem to be easy but the balls are awkward and heavier than we realize once our body is put into a one sided position. Well with that word of advice I say

Get your #movementninja on and jump around girlfriend.

This can totes be used as a warm up or a full on workout routine – honour where your body is at right now girl & go on….

Grab a mat and get movin

I’ll catch ya next time

💦 Sweat & Radiance

Feel free to save this pic or pin it for easy access to all of these Medicine Ball Workout moves gurllll.

Medicine Ball Full body Workout


💌 E-mail list and 10% off coupon { to make sure you neva eva miss the weekly love notes}: http://sweatandyoga.com10off

Habit Tracker : http://sweatandyoga.com31dayexercisehabit

Brand New 💦 Sweaty Yogi Car Rambles Podcast 💪🤸🏼‍♀️ :
ITUNES: http://sweatandyoga.comitunespodcast
GOOGLE PLAY: http://sweatandyoga.comgooglepodcast

All clothing can be found on: http://sweatandyoga.comshop

The Only Essential Oil brand I love and trust: https://www.mydoterra.com/sweatandyoga/#/
If you are interested in joining my growing wellness team shoot me an e-mail at sweatandyoga@gmail.com

Let’s get #socialgirlfriend ✌

Insta: http://www.instagram.com/suncanasay

Tweet: http://www.twitter.com/suncanasay

Blog: http://sweatandyoga.com

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/sweatandyoga

Music for this vid: www.epidemicsound.com

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links which means if you happen to make a purchase through one of the links, Sweat & Yoga will earn a small commission. Thanks so much for the support!
If you have any pre existing conditions please speak to a Dr. before performing any of these exercises – I always encourage you to drive your own vessel I can’t know what you’re feeling In your body – my goal is to help you get better at hearing it but at the end of the day all of this is up to you and therefore by doing this video you release Suncana and sweat and yoga from any liability.

10 Things You need to know if You’re a #fitgirl Going to Your First Yoga Class

Yo Sweaty Friend- Let’s talk about your First Yoga Class as a #FitGirl

I remember the first time I stepped into a yoga class- talk about #intimidation

” Will I be good enough?” “What if I can’t get my leg over my head like that girl on instagram” ” Shouldn’t I be better at this I am #fitaf ” the monkeys in our brain start to say……

Now that I have been teaching for several years I still understand the intimidation – seriously girl. I still get a bit antsy walking into a new class I mean come on – some of those girls are oh so flexible and I am definitely still a #movementninja not a flex sally.

I wish someone would have sat me down and gave me a survival guide for my first yoga class {and sometimes every class after TBH }

So here goes my wise wise words {don’t take them too seriously though lolz}

1/ Come ready to learn

I know we have a tendency to come in with ideas of what we think yoga is, or does, or what it should look like. I want to encourage you to just spend time in the moment. Listen to what the teacher has to say and go with the flow. Try to clear your mind and see where that takes you. I know that sounds #soyogi but I promise you might learn something new – about yourself, about the practice of yoga, about alignment or breath- there are just so many facets to learn about.

2/ Bring water 💦

The obvious- but we think “ohhhh yoga its just a lot of stretching we won’t be perspirating 💁🏼 not like when I #liftallthethings “

Here’s the thing – movements like stretching get that mitochondrial renewal happenin and thennnn you need some water to flush dem toxins so don’t forget that hydration bottle.

3/ Don’t lift right before

I knowwwwww it’s oh so tempting to see it as “recovery” so to do a heavy lift first then head right to your first yoga class. Pretty please at least leave a few hours between your lift and your yoga session. You get too amped up from lifting and it’s far too hard to wind you down. You need to make sure you can bring yourself to a place of calm and focus. The best recovery makes for a better lift the next day anyway amirite or amirite?

4/ If you go once and don’t like it – try try try again

Each teacher has their own movement style and puts their own twist on this thing we call yoga. SO…

If you went to your first yoga class and dreaded every second of it – don’t fret.  The style of yoga ranges so widely some teachers are #soyogi and others are all about alignment and being #movementninjas and some are a perfect blend of both!

You just gotta keep at it until you find a style and teacher you like {sometimes even within the style the teachers can be drastically different}. On top of that different seasons of your life may call for different styles and different teachers – find what works for you now and just keep experimenting until you get it right.

5/ It won’t make you lanky

I know we all worry about loosing out on muscle. It’ s a serious fear in most of my students that lift. I pinky swear promise you- when used properly yoga can be a serious asset to your lifting game. Like I’m talking muscle recovery and #allthegains cause isn’t that something we all want 💁🏼

Surviving your first yoga class as a # Fit Girl

6/ Research the style beforehand so you know what you’re in for

I have made this mistake many a times myself. You mos def  don’t want to show up to a yin class expecting a power class – that’ll kill your vibe 0-100 real quick.

Knowing the difference between a yin class vs a power class can have a huge impact on what kind of attitude you approach the class with. Not to sound too #soyogi but do a bit of soul searching and really dig deep into what you want yoga for. I don’t mean dig deep into like your chakras or any of that jazz just the baseline benefits that you hope you will get from the class. If it’s better sleep and you’re headed to a 9pm class yin might suit you better than vinyasa. #knowyourshit

7/ Don’t go to a Boutique Yoga Studio for your first yoga class

This advice might be super contrary to all of the other advice out there but I say start out at a gym class. Now for most people that aren’t into fitness I get this point. The teacher will probs be a bit more seasoned and be able to create a deeper connection therefore making the class less intimidating if you haven’t worked out in a long time or ever for that matter. And I Totes agree.

However, if you are already comfortable in a gym usually the gym classes are a little less #soyogi and more accessible for the #fitgirl in ya. In the gym the classes tend to be geared towards people that are comfortable moving at a faster pace or already have some knowledge of their bodies so I say start there. Eventually you can get more in tune and move yourself to a specific style studio if you so choose.

8/ Arrive early and let the teacher know it’s your first class

I know that may seem like a nightmare to let the teacher know you’re new but it’s nice to make sure she knows to keep an eye out for key postural stuff- I promise she won’t make you feel silly. This can also open up a dialogue about anything you have on the happy haps like hip injuries or shoulder. The amount of reaching overhead we do in yoga can be cray cray so a teacher knowing you’ve got some shoulder stuff happening can make a difference in how you experience the class. They can give you modifications and suggestions and no they won’t signal you out ✌

9/ Grab all the props

I don’t know at what point of yoga props became this non-existent thing on the scene. They are basically little balls of magic you have your finger tips- use them! When you get to your first yoga class check with the teacher but I would say grab a strap a couple of blocks maybe even a bolster and a blanket. Props are designed to make the poses more accessible and TBH I’d rather a student did a pose in “perfect” alignment {perfect being a relative word that we will discuss at lengths later in this blog but I digress} using props than they get their body into whatever pretzel shape the demo pose is but their shoulder looks like it may rip out of their socket { I may be projecting some recent shoulder trauma I’ve witness lately 🙈 }

10/ When all else fails – come back to focus on your breath

No matter what anyone else tells you – the number one benefit of yoga is the focus on breathing. Front and foremost that is legit the most important function our body performs.

Think about it- you can survive without movement for years, without food for months, without water for weeks – without air? Minutes at best. Yoga classes have hit this huge wave of “stress reduction ” and “relaxation” and “recovery” not because they’re magic but because they force you to get into the moment and focus on your breath. So if the class is getting to be too much for you. The girl next to you looks like some weird ass circ du sole performer and the teacher is doin their own thang – well then sit your hips back – connect to your centre by breathing. Forget everything else around you and focus on your breath. I promise it makes a mucho mucho difference. ✌

Well #sweatyfriend that’s all I’ve got to say. Go onto your first yoga class as that #fitgirl you are. Let me know how it went when you do and what kind of style you found works best for you!

As always if you have suggestions for your fellow sweaty yogis on how they can get on the mat drop them in the comments. I love hearing your tips and tricks!

Now go on unroll a mat and get to movin girl and I’ll catch ya next time

 💦 Sweat & Radiance

Surviving your first yoga class as a # Fit Girl


💌 E-mail list and 10% off coupon plus weekly love letters cause I luh ya { to make sure you neva eva miss the weekly love notes}: http://sweatandyoga.com10off

Habit Tracker & FREE 31 Day #ExerciseHabit Course : http://sweatandyoga.com31dayexercisehabit

Brand New 💦 Sweaty Yogi Car Rambles Podcast 💪 I mos def aspire to be on there more consistently:
ITUNES: http://sweatandyoga.comitunespodcast
GOOGLE PLAY: http://sweatandyoga.comgooglepodcast

All clothing can be found on: http://sweatandyoga.comshop

The Only Essential Oil brand I love and trust: https://www.mydoterra.com/sweatandyoga/#/
If you are interested in joining my growing wellness team shoot me an e-mail at sweatandyoga@gmail.com

Let’s get #socialgirlfriend ✌

Insta: http://www.instagram.com/suncanasay

Tweet: http://www.twitter.com/suncanasay

Blog: http://sweatandyoga.com

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/sweatandyoga

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links which means if you happen to make a purchase through one of the links, Sweat & Yoga will earn a small commission. Thanks so much for the support!
If you have any pre existing conditions please speak to a Dr. before performing any of these exercises. I always encourage you to drive your own vessel I can’t know what you’re feeling In your body. My goal is to help you get better at hearing it but at the end of the day all of this is up to you and therefore by doing this video you release Suncana and sweat and yoga from any liability.

Quick Full Body EMOM

Yo Sweaty Friend! Got 12 minutes? Then ya got time to get this Full Body EMOM out of the way!

Move dat booty.

This may seem like its uber easy but let me tell ya by the 12th min it’s not really feeling that breezy.

Pro tip: If you want to scale it then add 1 to each exercise every minute until you can’t fit any more in or hold a plank to finish off the min 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I’m all about that additional agility duh!

I’ll probs eventually do a  full post on breaking down an EMOM and how I feel about it as an exercise {ps I love it – esp when combined with another workout but that’s beside the point- topic for another time fo sho }.

All you need to know for now is that EMOM stands for:

Every Minute On the Minute

Pretty self explanatory if you ask me

To perform this workout you’re going to want to set a HIIT time of some sorts to go off every minute for 12 minutes OR if you want to go old school you can just keep an eye on the clock. I find it more fun when you can get lost in trying to out ninja the clock and get as many as you can in without knowing how much time you have left!

Here’s the 3 move breakdown

1/ ALT Curtsey Lunge with a Squat

I love this move cause it tends to hit the butt from all the different angles. Start standing and kick one leg back behind your body and across and lower down into a lunge – curtsey lunge to be exact. Move back to stand at centre then come into a bodyweight squat. Then stand back up and do a curtsey lunge squat on the other side for 1 rep. Do that a total of 6 times!

ALT Curtsey Lunge - Fully Body EMOM

ALT Curtsey Lunge - Fully Body EMOM

ALT Curtsey Lunge - Fully Body EMOM

2/ Reverse Lunge to Figure 8 Clap

In this Full body EMOM we are all about the Lunge-ing. Start standing at the top of your mat. Step the right foot back back into a reverse lunge. The shin comes parallel with the floor and your core is engaged by tucking the pelvis under. Bring weight into the right foot as you step to the back of the mat and bring the left knee into your chest. Clap the hands underneath the left knee and then step the left knee forward into a lunge. Step the right foot back to the front of the mat. Then do the other side. This will be one rep. Do this 6 times yo!

ALT Reverse Lunge - Fully Body EMOM

ALT Reverse Lunge - Fully Body EMOM

ALT Figure 8 Clap - Fully Body EMOM

ALT Reverse Lunge - Fully Body EMOM

ALT Reverse Lunge - Fully Body EMOM

3/ Bridge

Move number 3 is a simple bridge. Set up with feet on the floor knees pointing toward the ceiling. Push into the heels and tuck the pelvis under and make sure to squeeze the glutes keeping the pelvis tucked under. You should feel a pretty good stretch in your quads if you engage the glutes at the right angle. Avoid making it backbend city up in hurrrr. Do this lift 8 times.

Now for the rest of that minute you have some options girlfriend!

You can either rest and get ready for the next set. OR you can set it up a notch and do a plank or hang from some monkey bars or chin up bar.

Then repeat this 12 times for a total of 12 minutes!

Like I said earlier girl if you want to step it up a notch you can add a count of 1 to each rep as you go up in minutes until you can’t do anymore in that minute! This makes it more time sensitive and #ninjalike so you know I’m down for that lolz!

If this doesn’t make you want to get your #movementninja on and jump around I don’t know what will girlfriend.

If you are still new to working out then this can be your full workout or you can totes use it as a warmup. The Full Body EMOM is easy peasy to nail down

So grab a mat and get movin

I’ll catch ya next time

💦 Sweat & Radiance

Feel free to save this pic or pin it for easy access to all 5 of the moves for this quick full body AMRAP gurllll.

Quick Full Body EMOM


💌 E-mail list and 10% off coupon { to make sure you neva eva miss the weekly love notes}: http://sweatandyoga.com10off

Habit Tracker : http://sweatandyoga.com31dayexercisehabit

Brand New 💦 Sweaty Yogi Car Rambles Podcast 💪🤸🏼‍♀️ :
ITUNES: http://sweatandyoga.comitunespodcast
GOOGLE PLAY: http://sweatandyoga.comgooglepodcast

All clothing can be found on: http://sweatandyoga.comshop

The Only Essential Oil brand I love and trust: https://www.mydoterra.com/sweatandyoga/#/
If you are interested in joining my growing wellness team shoot me an e-mail at sweatandyoga@gmail.com

Let’s get #socialgirlfriend ✌

Insta: http://www.instagram.com/suncanasay

Tweet: http://www.twitter.com/suncanasay

Blog: http://sweatandyoga.com

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/sweatandyoga

Music for this vid: www.epidemicsound.com

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links which means if you happen to make a purchase through one of the links, Sweat & Yoga will earn a small commission. Thanks so much for the support!
If you have any pre existing conditions please speak to a Dr. before performing any of these exercises – I always encourage you to drive your own vessel I can’t know what you’re feeling In your body – my goal is to help you get better at hearing it but at the end of the day all of this is up to you and therefore by doing this video you release Suncana and sweat and yoga from any liability.

Best Healthy tips from the Top 5 Healthy Podcast Ladies

top 5 health podcast hosts

Yo Sweaty Friend

A while back I was reading about Tim Ferriss’ new book Tribe of Mentors and why he wanted to create this easy reference guide for everyone. Later that same day, I was out and about doing #allthethings and I was listening to some awesome ladies talk all about health and fitness on their respective podcasts. I thought to myself “hmmmm what if I could create a little mini tribe of healthy podcast lady mentors “

Hence this post was born. I figured you’re probs tired of hearing the standard “top 5 health podcasts you should be listening to right now”. Come on guys – everyone knowsssss we should all be listening to podcasts- they’re free personal development doiiii. As long as ya got a phone – you’re all set to podcast away.

Rather than just give you a standard run down of the pods…  I actually got in touch with the awesome ladies behind some of my fave podcasts and asked them if they had one health habit/ tip to give out – what would it be

So without further ado I give you the Top 5 hurrrrr…..

Katie from the Let It Out Podcast

Let it Out is a podcast I discovered way back playback – like probably around 3 years ago. I was just hearing about this brand spankin new thing called a podcast. So I started listening she talks some great stuff. I love the personality that Katie brings about when she talks. Her guests are usually pretty fab I must say so it makes for a great back and forth. My fave episode I would have to say is with Arden Rose from way back in 2016 but I may be a bit bias as someone who is always looking to evolve. Plus I love hearing from other youtubers and not many do podcast interviews what’s up w dat? But that’s a topic for another day fo sho!

Here is what she had to say is her healthy habit:

My healthy habit I can’t live without is walking. Walking everywhere is my favorite part of living in NYC and makes my day feel better since I have little bursts of walking built into my day regardless of what I’m doing. Walking allows me to clear my mind or talk on the phone or listen to a podcast, an audiobook, or music. It’s my favorite form of movement.  – Katie Dalebout from Let it Out @katiedalebout

Cassy from the Fed and Fit Podcast

Ah Fed and Fit’s podcast lady bossy has some super sound advice but before I get to it lemme tell ya a thing or 2 about the pod this gal runs! First off: Can we talk about the name? It’s like she had me as a muse or something. Seriously food and movement = a very very happy Suncana duh.

But on a more serious note this podcast has got it goin on sista. She has episodes on the keto diet, food sensitivity test results, the gluten free debates that are all over the inter-webs. I mean come on she has def covered #allthethings but I must say her latest episode on healthy body reverse interview is da bomb . com Julie’s story/ question of comparison is so enthralling – just uh 🧐 – go on and listen to it you won’t be sorry.

Her sound #healthyhack she can’t live without is:

I’d say that I can’t live without my daily water intake. Even if I haven’t worked out, got a terrible night sleep, or haven’t eaten “well,” I can always drink the water that my body really needs to thrive. Cassy Joy Garcia of Fed and Fit @fedandfit

Katie Dalebout Let it out Health Podcast Health Tip

Lori from the Earn Your Happy Podcast

Lori Hard – This girl! What can be said about her that hasn’t already been said? She’s funny and quirky and it all comes through on her awesome podcast Earn Your Happy. She’s endured so much adversity in her life and she is the first person to admit that she has to choose happy daily. I loveeee her for not just “pretending” that she’s happy all the time. It’s so easy to get caught up in thinking that other people are just born a certain way and things like happiness just come easily to them. Her podcast has so many goodies but if you’re looking for a quick jolt of somethin somethin hit up one of her quickie episodes. Ps! My fave I go back to time and time again is How to let go. It’s like episode 16 so its way back there but so so good.

Her super duper healthy habit she can’t live without:

My can’t live without habit are daily walks and meditation and visualization 🙏 – Lori Harder of Earn Your Happy @loriharder

Steph from Harder to Kill Radio

With a name like Harder to Kill Radio how could the wicked podcast lady behind the mic not be a serious badass – one might even call her a #movementninja and with a  killer squat like hers {check out her insta vids 💪} she mos def is. A some of you may know – I do have an affinity for the #movementninja – well- basically anything so the name of the podcast just pulled at my heart strings right from the get go. Don’t let the name of her pod fool ya though – girl has got some serious self care game in her episodes too. I am not fully caught up but the last episode I listened to with Pay Flynn on how to be a movement generalist was mind blowing. His how do you stay harder to kill answer is awesome and I couldn’t agree more! Be a generalist in most things. It seems to go so against what society tells us but he makes some super awesome points.  I highly encourage you to listen.

Steph’s got lot’s of health things she wants to say but boils it down to her most important for ya here:

There are way too many haha
I take magnesium every night, 30 minutes before sleep. It’s one of the most common micronutrient deficiencies and taking it at night helps me feel relaxed – Steph Gaudreau of Harder to Kill Radio @stupideasypaleoHarder to kill health podcast er Steph

Andrea from the Mindful ( Mostly) Podcast

The finale. This lil number is a newer one on the track but boy am I lovin it. How could you not? She’s hitting all the hot topics – including one of my fave subjects of discussion – Confidence. If you haven’t guessed it yet I def suggest you start with that episode. It’s a meer 21 min but it packs a punch! Check out what the most of Mindful ( Mostly) Andrea had to say was her numero uno healthy habit.

Something I can’t live without is a run in the fresh air. I thank my dog Sophie for getting me out on the days where I just want to be a human potato. It literally changes my day and my mind.  That, and and lemon water. – Andrea of Mindful (mostly) @mindfulmostly

Mindful (mostly) Health Podcast er Andrea


Suncana from Sweaty Yogi Rambles

Although it’s mos def just me rambling in my car at my phone I do have a thing or 2 to say on the topic of health so I thought I would throw the Sweaty Yogi Rambles podcast in the list and give you my fave health tip too cause #whynot

If I had to pick one thing I’d say my healthy habit daily is my daily smoothie/salad. Every day. I make sure for lunch I have a salad or a green smoothie with lots of leafy greens and antioxidants galore. This is what Heath brothers call a black and white goal- either I did it or I didn’t no in betweeners allowed so I’m held more accountable it’s either a yes or a no at the end of the day case closed. – Suncana @suncanasay

What are some of your best healthy habits/tips you can’t live without? Let me know in the comments! Let’s get ideas from one another on how we can step up our health game yo!

top 5 health podcasts share their top health tips


💌 E-mail list and 10% off coupon plus weekly love letters cause I luh ya { to make sure you neva eva miss the weekly love notes}: http://sweatandyoga.com10off

Habit Tracker & FREE 31 Day #ExerciseHabit Course : http://sweatandyoga.com31dayexercisehabit

Brand New 💦 Sweaty Yogi Car Rambles Podcast 💪 I mos def aspire to be on there more consistently:
ITUNES: http://sweatandyoga.comitunespodcast
GOOGLE PLAY: http://sweatandyoga.comgooglepodcast

All clothing can be found on: http://sweatandyoga.comshop

The Only Essential Oil brand I love and trust: https://www.mydoterra.com/sweatandyoga/#/
If you are interested in joining my growing wellness team shoot me an e-mail at sweatandyoga@gmail.com

Let’s get #socialgirlfriend ✌

Insta: http://www.instagram.com/suncanasay

Tweet: http://www.twitter.com/suncanasay

Blog: http://sweatandyoga.com

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/sweatandyoga

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links which means if you happen to make a purchase through one of the links, Sweat & Yoga will earn a small commission. Thanks so much for the support!
If you have any pre existing conditions please speak to a Dr. before performing any of these exercises. I always encourage you to drive your own vessel I can’t know what you’re feeling In your body. My goal is to help you get better at hearing it but at the end of the day all of this is up to you and therefore by doing this video you release Suncana and sweat and yoga from any liability.

Super Dee Duper Quick 20 minute Full Body AMRAP

full body 20 minute AMRAP

Yo Sweaty Friend

So some changes are a brewin’ – but really what else is new. This brain 🙈 just keeps movin new things into this inter-web it’s hard for me to even keep up.

Lemme tell ya bout dat new stuff.

I’ll try and make it super quick since let’s not kid ourselves you’re probs just here for the quick 20 minute full body AMRAP amirite? If I am and you could care less bout the changes I am about to tell ya then just scroll to the bottom – and download the pic so you can have it on your phone and voila!

Are ya still w me?

If you are – oh hey girl heyyyyyy – whatddup?


A few weeks ago I polled all the insta peeps {ps shameless plug comin at ya if you aren’t following me on the gram click here and get to it girlfriend } and the results overwhelmingly said “Yoga is nice but GIMME ALL DA WORKOUTS YO” and I got to thinkin’ when I was first trying to make exercise a habit what I did I felt I need more of – obvi the answer was infographics doiiiiii and some structure and Since this blog isn’t just for yoga its for dem sweat as well I figured let’s do tis thang  put some workouts together and therefor

Motivation Monday was born

I thought I’d ease you in ya feels?

AMRAPs are mos def one of my fave ways to work out – esp if I’m short on time cause 20 min- heart rate pumpin – gasping for some air and muscles burnin why natttt 💪💪?

Let’s get to today’s shall we?

For those of you that don’t know AMRAP stands for As Many Reps As Possible – pretty simple. The rules of play are just that you have a grouping of moves and you try to repeat the sequence as many times as you can in a given timeframe – only stopping if you’re really feeling like you may die – hahaha so not #soyogi eh? but if you’re doing it mindfully- who’s to say that a full body AMRAP can’t be #soyogi? I call an objection on the whole “this is/isn’t yoga” terminology {but that’s a much lengthier post or video fo a later day – I’ll spare you for now}

Sometimes I am super short on time on Monday’s since we try to go hit up an adventure on Monday’s as our day off so I love getting this workout in since it is mos def super easy and hits all the areassss

Lemme break it down like we’re wearing apple bottom jeans 😜:

You’ve got 5 moves. 20 minutes. Set an alarm and let’s get at it!

Move Numero Uno: The Clean & Press

So with this little gem you want to start off w the kettlebell on the ground- flip it onto your shoulder and then mini squat and push to bring the arm straight overhead. A lil somethin’ somethin’ to remember is to keep your core tight to avoid flaring your chest when you bring the arm up. Ain’t nobody got time for a shoulder injury ya know? { as per usu I’ll do a full post – or more likely video on chest flaring and the likes for moves like this but for now make sure you do your best to keep your ribs stacked straight over your pelvis like it’s a funnel }- repeat this 8 times and then switch sides

Move Numero Tow {since that’s where my Spainsh language skills end lolz} : ALT Arm Kettlebell Swing

For this move you are doing a basic kettlebell swing but with one arm and using the mini pause at the top of the swing to switch arms. Again remembering that the core is one of the main things that’s keeping this from being something akin to bambi on ice trying to stabilize as the momentum of the kettlebell moves ya- so dee the core engaged. – Do 10 on each arm for a total of 20 yo ✌.

Move Number Three: Plank Toe Taps

This is a pretty straight forward move. Starting in a basic plank {and if you are not sure about your plank make sure you check out the proper form guidelines right hurrrrr in this vid}. Use your abductors {aka your side butt } to bring the leg out to the side and tap the floor. Then use your adductors to bring yourself back into a plank position. 10 on each side for a total of 20 girl!

Move Number Four: Kettlebell Deadlifts

Kettlebell Deadlifts for the full body AMRAP

Here we are workin dem glutes and hammies. To set up keep the kettlebell almost between your toesies. Find your neural back – so no hugeee lower back curve pretty please and pull the kettlebell up as close to the body as you can to stand upright squeezing your buns as you come up and an extra squeeze at the top ya feels? Do 10 of those.

Move Number Five- The Finale: The Goblet Squat

Goblet Squat Exercise for full body AMRAP

Some people call this the kettlebell front squat – I really like calling it the Goblet Squat cause I feel like Harry Potter might come join me in the squatting world one day lolz. Keeping your weight in your heels start standing with he kettlebell in front of you like one big arse goblet. Then shift your hips towards the back of the room keeping your spine in neutral so no chesty chest flare once again. Then stand back up weight still in the heels. Perform 10 of these bad boys.

Once you’ve completed one round go back to the beginning and keep going until your alarm sounds girl!

There ya have it full body workout in just 20 min! Doesn’t get easier to get past the resistance to workout than that eh?

If you’re looking for a little nugget on resistance ps go check out the highlights in the sweat & yoga insta stories highlights – Steven Pressfield’s book has something special to say about resistance and I’ve got some lil extra on resistance and movement

Feel free to save this pic or pin it for easy access to all 5 of the moves for this quick full body AMRAP gurllll.


💌 E-mail list and 10% off coupon { to make sure you neva eva miss the weekly love notes}: http://sweatandyoga.com10off

Habit Tracker : http://sweatandyoga.com31dayexercisehabit

Brand New 💦 Sweaty Yogi Car Rambles Podcast 💪🤸🏼‍♀️ :
ITUNES: http://sweatandyoga.comitunespodcast
GOOGLE PLAY: http://sweatandyoga.comgooglepodcast

All clothing can be found on: http://sweatandyoga.comshop

The Only Essential Oil brand I love and trust: https://www.mydoterra.com/sweatandyoga/#/
If you are interested in joining my growing wellness team shoot me an e-mail at sweatandyoga@gmail.com

Let’s get #socialgirlfriend ✌

Insta: http://www.instagram.com/suncanasay

Tweet: http://www.twitter.com/suncanasay

Blog: http://sweatandyoga.com

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/sweatandyoga

Music for this vid: www.epidemicsound.com

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links which means if you happen to make a purchase through one of the links, Sweat & Yoga will earn a small commission. Thanks so much for the support!
If you have any pre existing conditions please speak to a Dr. before performing any of these exercises – I always encourage you to drive your own vessel I can’t know what you’re feeling In your body – my goal is to help you get better at hearing it but at the end of the day all of this is up to you and therefore by doing this video you release Suncana and sweat and yoga from any liability.

3 Steps to Ditch Gym-timidation 💪

Lemme tell ya a story girl.

I’ve been working out and lifting for a long arse timeeee – however, every 6 months or so I have to step into a new gym. It’s just the life we live-  I’ve made peace with it but one of those 2 times a year I have to step into a gym where I do not speak a lick of the language – yup- Germany. This scares the Heebie-jeebies out of me!

N let me tell ya- it’s not even all just in my head – gym etiquette in Germany is different than gym etiquette in Canada so…..

I feel I can speak from experience when I say the # Gym-timidation is reallll

Try walking to a squat rack w a bunch of guys in muscle shirts staring and trying to talk to you in a language you don’t understand.

Here are my top 3 ways to help myself get over that hurdle yearly cause ya’ll know I need to lift some things once in a while.

1/ Visualize the person you want to become

– does that person lift?

– are they confident AF?

– what makes them different than you now? and how do you move closer to that?

2/ Don’t jump for the big guns right away

I know I know this seems counter intuitive – get the hard stuff out of the way, eat the frog, what we resist the most…. yada yada yada – I know all dem Pinterest quotes – I have a whole board of them Here and I believe that sometimes we need that  harsh love of “ excuses don’t get results”

However – jumping for the goods right away {in my personal opinion} can shoot your confidence way downtown. It can become so overwhelming that it causes you either chicken out or ditch right after without doing anything else.

So my strategy is to hit an exercise/ machine you can crush and are mad confident in. It doesn’t need to be anything uber cray cray. I personally go for some shoulder presses. Something about lifting heavy $*!^ over my head makes me feel powerful and confident AF. But for you it may be a 20 min walk on the treadmill. Whatever you know you can crush no prob – 2 crunches? yea girl crush it!

This little bump of confidence will give you just the spark you need to go hit that squat rack or whatever it is that’s intimidating you. Even if you do one rep of that thing that intimidated you- you’re further than you were yesterday and then you can build on it tomorrow!

3/ Three words: Pump Up Music

Have a killer playlist that just makes you want to move that body! Ya feels?

I just recently created this one HERE – it’s been pumping me up whenever I am a bit nervous of well- basically anything but in particular my workouts!

There is so much research into our bodies responses to external stimuli like music that ti’s crazy not to utilize it’s powerful properties. I recently read somewhere that music w a lot of base in particular can boost our confidence – no wonder Meghan Trainer was all about dat base!

Bonus: Develop a growth mindset by asking yourself :

  • What did I learn from today’s gym sesh?

  • What steps did I take to make it a successful gym sesh?

  • Where did you fail? {remember failure is good yo ✌️- it grows a growth mindset}

  • How did you keep going when things got tough?

  • What can you learn from your opponent today? {aka da gym}

PPS: There’s a thing or 2 about growth mindset and gym-timidation over on the Sweaty Yogi Rambles Podcast – go check it out for some totes unscripted rambles!

Afterwards to make sure that you keep growing and keep kicking that Gymtimidation to the curb anytime it rears its ugly head!

Those are my best kept secrets to making sure that gym-timidation doesn’t ruin my workout mojo.

DO you have any secrets for ditiching that gym-timidation? Or any way you boost your confidence in or out of they gym?

Lemmenoe Sweaty Friend & I’ll catch ya next time!

Top 10 New Fitness YouTube Channels to Follow

YO! Welcome back sweaty friend 💦! Well also welcome to the first official blog post on this huRR “blog”.

Fo those sistas on here that know me know I’m not so much one w the words {well…. written words – I’ll talk ya ear right off – hence the YouTube channel and not a blog} I wanted to tell you about the top 10 Up and coming Fitness YouTube Channels I have found!

Here’s the thing – I very recently refocused on the Sweat & Yoga channel.

So I wanted to look at other inspiring YouTubers but all I could find were all of the standard ones ERRRRRyoneee knows – the Sarah’s Days, Heidi Somers , Natacha Océanes  and Nikki Blackketter etc. I already knew about them! {and if you don’t those are def the girls to follow for serious inspo! } I wanted new out of the box inspos and vids to watch 🙋!

I don’t know about you but my biggest #cardiohack is puttin on some YouTube inspo stepping on the treadmill and gettin at 🤜 it while all the cool music montages and camera angels unfold during the youtubers workouts. Nothing makes you want to get shredded like watching one of those ladies hammer out a good sweat sesh! I don’t even do the same workouts as them lolz but I love all the cuts and vicarious living through these girls so I set out to find some unconventional up and commer Fitness YouTubers and after a few weeks of searching I have come up w a pretty dang comprehensive list I’d say. But I’m judging my own work and we all know we judge our own work favourably so check out the fitness youtube channels I found for yourself👇!

All of these ladies have less than 5000 subscribers and were kinda sorta hard to find cause YouTube’s algorithm sucks #iaintevensorry youtube friends it does

Who are your faves out of this group or did I miss some you are head over heels for? Lemmenoe 👇

Kale & Krunches

Marlie is someone I have been following on the insta for a while crocodile and a few weeks ago she started a YouTube channel! I am so pumped to watch the content she puts out cause I knowwww it’s gonna be #lit. I just watched her what I eat in a day video and bulletproof coffee for the win fo sho! I also love that in the model vlog she says “thank god for photoshop” not gonna lie I totes agree! Looking on fleek after a long flight or road trip – nopeeee . I’m kinda sorta jelly that she’s already so comfy vlogging but also I love it! Plus bonus she’s a Toronto girl 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 so you know she’s awesome eh {but I may be bias lol}

Best vid thus far 👇

Kathleen Black

I found her a while back on YouTube but didn’t actually super dee duper pay tons of attention until fairly recently when I re-focused on my own channel. I started to watch more and more from different “genres ” cause that gets my creativity juices flowin ya feel me girl?  She has a great bubbly personality and if ya know me you now how much I love all the woo woo and she’s got it – sound healing and all #soyogi✌! Plus she’s a fellow Canadian so ya know #sisters

Best vid in my personal opinion obvi 👇

Trainer Tanner

For someone who is into the #bodybuilding lyfeee I love that she preaches balance- esp in her thanksgiving talk – it’s so refreshing to hear someone on that end of the spectrum talk about not being #macros all day eRRYday. She does a variety of workouts and vlogs and was recently selected as the bodybuilding.com spokesmodel! Congrats girlllll ! Subscribe to her channel for some needed variety for workin out yo!

Best vid so far {but I’m bias cause #peanutbutterforlyfe } 👇

Maiyah Kenz

Girl is always focused on B-O-O-T-A-Y ! Which obvi makes me happy! I am #allaboutthatbase ! Plus her accent is totes adorbs! I wish I could sound exotic like that – all I do is say eh too much haha – cause #canadianeh . She talks about a variety of things – workouts, clear skin, natural tips {see carbon coca teeth whitening} etc. I found her while I was searching for other booty focused girls and she def doesn’t disappoint!

Best vid thus far #booty 👇


Gemma Stanley

Another girl w a killer accent! I’ve often wondered if the key to being a great YouTuber is in the accent? What do ya think? It just makes everything you say so much more interesting – should I just start putting one on? { I only have one version of an accent and its baddddd hahaha } Anyway! Gemma is killer w her Fearlessly Authentic self yo! I’m def hoping she’s participating in Vlogmas – like she has in the past!  {or vitmas for those of us that only really train and eat lol} Also if you’re in the health and fitness sphere and looking to get a breast augmentation since I am most def not any help w that she’s got a few good vids to do some of your own research – perspective from someone thats done it ya know?

Best vid #myopinionisbest  and also #addictedtoproductivity 👇

Shannon Beer

I stumbled across Shannon’s vids a while back and obvi subscribed to her channel cause its awesome – I love that she lists her full workout in the description – ima need to start doing that fo sho! She was a teensy bit harder to find on insta – {in case you’re wondering she’s hurrrr yar welcome } but once I found her I realized she basically shares all of the same style of stuff on insta as she does in her vids so that’s awesome – but ya’ll know there’s always more to see on Youtube so go on check out her channel! Her last episode is about habits and ya know your girl loves erRythang to do w habits!

Best vid and also her latest vid #healthyhabitsfolyfe 👇


Sophie Grace Holmes

Sophie’s go pro of the half – marathon she ran in October really won me over. I’ve ran a few races in my life including half – marathons and I kinda got a bit emotional watching it – probs cause I haven’t run one in far too long  and I’m having withdrawals 🙈 and I wish I had filmed some of mine when I did them  {there ya get a bit of #emotion out in this post! All the signs just make me so excited } I find race vids so inspiring! Don’t you? Makes me want to jump up and run right meow and its almost 9pm here {aka almost bedtime lolz }. I also kinda sorta feel like Sophie’s style speaks to my heart. I love that her fitness Youtube description talks empowerment and your own capabilities! I feel that everyone has great things inside of them! #soulsistas

Best vid {que emotional breakdown in the Sweat & Yoga Headquarters lolz }👇

Om & the City

Jules is another insta girl I’ve been following for some time and is now YouTubin it uppppp ! She is going to share her food intolerances and gut journey ! I.CANNOT.WAIT. Bah! I loveeee seeing other people’s health journeys. This is actually an idea I have been toying with fo foeva – I may try and hit up some healthy  blogger collabs having them tell their stories in like short mini segment blogs – I dunno just a though! But I am excited to see how Jules’ journey unfolds – {omg that sounds #soyogi }!

Best vid up ta naou👇

Kellie Foster

Kellie is a Keto Toronto friend!! {insert girly squealing noises here } I love when I find Canadian Healthy Friends and there’s TWO on this list woot woot!

I love so many of her keto videos but the one I would love the most is when she talks about her binge eating it really touches my heart – {the intuitive eating in her program also 🙌🙌!} Which also lead her to Keto which I totes agree w her – it’s actually such a satisfying diet for me! And obvi if you’re struggling she encourages you to get some help- we’re all in this world together – you matter

Most touching vid out of all of these ladies thus far gone to👇

Sweat & Yoga

I mean… I’m a bit bias here obvi! But I created this channel because I needed something that merged all of the above channels together! There is so many great woo woo yogis and so many great weight lifting body building sisters- so many great keto girls and intuitive eating and macros but how do we find what works best for us ya feel? Sweat & Yoga is all about making healthy habits fun so real girls can quit dreading dem gym time, dem smoothie time and dem early mornings. Then measuring the results cause ya know #bodygeekingout is my jam. Come on over and let’s do some movement!! Some super fun stuff happening this month including a contest for my legit fave sweater!

My personal fave vid thus far 👇

Dats all for this first and maybe only blog post but if you want more of my ramblings make sure you check out the Sweat & Yoga YouTube channel & sign up for the newsletter so ya get my rambly ramblings in your inbox weekly! Oh and make sure you check all da tings to make sure you are up to date on any giveaways we are runnin runnin { cue black eyed peas theme song here }

Until next time #sweatyfriend


Fitness YouTube Channels
Fitness YouTube

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