Confronting fear ✨ by creating a stronger core ✨

Hey sweaties! 💦

What is fear to you??

No matter how may people you ask- the chance of fear being the same thing to 2 different people is slim to none. That’s because it’s something that really hits us on a different level- in the core- our deep tissues {literal or spiritual } feel compromised.

Grab a cup of tea and find out what I have discovered about confronting fear!

To me it really is about connecting to the core on every level – body, mind, spirit! {so fluffy but so true ?}

A few tweaks in how we approach our situations and we have a bit more stability through the core and as a result in our way of confronting fears!

Go on grab some tea & let’s have a chat!

Then make sure you come back Friday for a courage focused flow to start off June ✌️



💦 Sweat & Radiance

P.S. Let’s connect over on the social media

✨ 24 minute ✨ Yoga Practice for Re-enforced Posture

Hey sweaty beauties!

Welcome back to another Flow Friday!

If you watched Mondays talk  you’ll have a general idea of why we need to re-enforce our posture! ?

We end up with some issues in our glutes and psoas that need us to pay a little more attention in our daily movements. However, we first need to understand what engagement of those certain muscles feels like

Drum roll please….

Enter todays practice.

We will work on unwinding some of those tight muscles and strengthening some of the muscles that have turned off because of lack of use!

Go on- Pull up a mat & Let’s sweat!



💦  Sweat & Radiance

P.S. If you have any requests for videos or questions obviously do drop them down below or catch up with me on instgarm – and send me a message so I can be sure to cover what you want!

Core Muscles We Should Worry About If We Sit All Day ☝️

Hey hey hey sweaty friends! ?

I know I know you’ve heard it all- sitting is the new smoking— well then – quit it!

Okay i know its not that easy. {Trust me ☝️- it looked much easier than I thought when I decided to start standing more….} However, this video may help open a few eyes on the things that we are hindering when we are sitting alllllll dayyyyy long!

We create issues in our tissues we don’t even know we are creating!

Often times until we end up hurting ourselves while doing yoga or running or even just bending over and picking up a pillow we don’t even pay any mind to those muscles that are get overused, underused and abused.

Well I am here to help you listen in a little more and understand why we need to move our bodies this Monday!

Grab a cup of tea and have a bit of a listen!

Then make sure you come back Friday to unwind those tissues in the Friday Flow!



? Sweat & Radiance

P.S. Let’s connect over on the social media

✨ 23 minute ✨ Easy Beginner Core Vinyasa ✨ for Diastasis Recti ✨

Hey Mammas & Beginner Core Yogi sweaters

First thing first!

The KALE Yea Sweatshirt contest win by clicking here👇

This is another addition to our beginner yoga series it’s a bit slower moving but I wanted to make sure that it correlated with our talk from Monday .

These are some of the safer {and dare I say helpful} exercises that you can implement if you are dealing with Diastasis Recti – As I mention on Monday’s video – I highly urge you to go see someone and get official assistance with your abdominal muscles after a baby- but once you are clear to move and use your abs this would be a great workout!

For all my beginner sweaty friends,

Welcome – this beginner core movement flow will help you connect to your core muscles so that you can be sure you are playing within the realms of your strengths. This way you can make sure you are always growing and in discomfort in your practices and movement – not in pain! If you’re confused between the difference – check out the video from March about how to get in shape on your own where i go in more depth about why you should be in discomfort and not in pain.

So go on- Pull up a mat & Let’s flow!

💦 Sweat & Radiance


💌 E-mail list and 10% off coupon { to make sure you neva eva miss the weekly love notes}: http://sweatandyoga.com10off

Brand New 💦 Sweaty Yogi Car Rambles Podcast 💪🤸🏼‍♀️ where vitmas will also be happenin’:
ITUNES: http://sweatandyoga.comitunespodcast
GOOGLE PLAY: http://sweatandyoga.comgooglepodcast

All clothing can be found on: http://sweatandyoga.comshop


The Only Essential Oil brand I love and trust:
If you are interested in joining my growing wellness team shoot me an e-mail at

Let’s get #socialgirlfriend ✌️





Music for this vid:

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links which means if you happen to make a purchase through one of the links, Sweat & Yoga will earn a small commission. Thanks so much for the support!
If you have any pre existing conditions please speak to a Dr. before performing any of these exercises – I always encourage you to drive your own vessel I can’t know what you’re feeling In your body – my goal is to help you get better at hearing it but at the end of the day all of this is up to you and therefore by doing this video you release Suncana and sweat and yoga from any liability.

✨ In honor of Mother’s Day ✨ Basics of diastasis recti

Happy day after mother’ day gorgeous mamma {or fur mamma}

{Since we did not have a talk yesterday….} I thought I would take this time to outline some motherly things
– If you have or suspect that you have Diastasis recti – please do go see someone- I am just giving you an outline of the muscle and tissue issues and there could be much bigger underlying problems { especially since I have not developed x-ray through the computer screen vision ?‍♀️ – I cannot tell you how severe or how how far along you dr is}

So without further adieu – I do have a lot of fairly new moms in their 30’s who do some of the videos and often they ask about Diastasis Recti during yoga. The general rule I give my students for anything is to know what area of your body you should be engaging and sensing and then find what feels right in that proper engagement. ☝️

In this video I just outline the basics of Diastasis Recti and who is susceptible to it. I figured the mammas need some love too! I totally understand that a lot of stuff is easier said than done- which is another great reasons to go see someone- having some accountability while dealing with something like this can be major!

So go on grab some tea and let’s chat!



? Sweat & Radiance

P.S. If you have any requests for videos or questions obviously do drop them down below or catch up with me on instgarm – and send me a message so I can be sure to cover what you want!

✨ 25 minute Casual Flow for ✨ Working all the Core Muscles

Hey sweaty omies! ?

Thanks for joining me again for another Core Work Friday!??‍♀️

You know- sometimes I do want to spend a good chunk of my workout on the floor- I get ya girl! That’s why I designed this easy flow that helps you work all the muscles of your core- but you get to be a wee bit lazy about it. {I’m talkin’ spending most of the time on the mat ?}

Although I do throw in some planks- {let’s not kid ourselves it can’t all be full of fun}

However we make up for the planks with some deep twisting and relaxing of the core at the end!

It looks like an easy peasy layin’ on the ground flow but don’t let it fool ya – isolating all of the areas of the core is no easy task – I even tip and teeter sometimes. By incorporating slow, intentional & concrete movements e can hit every corner of the core.

So go on- Pull up a mat & I’ll meet you there!



? Sweat & Radiance

P.S. If you have any requests for videos or questions obviously do drop them down below or catch up with me on instgarm – and send me a message so I can be sure to cover what you want!

Abdominal muscles ✨ and how they keep you secure ✨

Hey sweaty beauty!

How can we do a core month without talking about the abdominals???? {no chance} Most of us have heard of the muscles of our abdomen – {high school phys Ed at its finest☝️} but do we know what they do?

This group of muscles is critical for keeping our bodies stable- it goes much deeper than just the bikini bod!
Find out the basic functions & how to strengthen them in this video!

Then make sure you check out last weeks flow to connect into your core and abdominal – take the time to really think about the muscles you are firing as you engage them!!!



? Sweat & Radiance

P.s.! Let’s connect over on the social media

✨ 24 minute ✨ Happy Cinco De Core Yoga Flow ✨ for an Enthusiastic Day ✨

Hey Sweaty Friends ✌️

The KALE Yea Sweatshirt contest win by clicking here👇

Happy Cinco De Core Yoga!

In this practice we start on the ground and get familiar with our breath & our core. We move on to rock the boat a bit for some extra core work and eventually move into some intense Ocho Planks { its a Mexican holiday- how could I not include the Ocho? }

WARNING: If you take the time to do this practice mindfully you may just find yourself more in tune with your core!

Don’t let the fact that a lot of it is done on the floor fool ya- core work is serious stuff and when done properly talking can be hard {so you do get some breaks from my rambling here and there ?}. – It is so important for us to get in touch with our core!

Oh and
P.S. This features one of my favourite versions of bicycle {think extra resistance uh la la}

So go on- pull up a mat and let’s Ocho for some Core!

💦 Sweat & Radiance


💌 E-mail list and 10% off coupon { to make sure you neva eva miss the weekly love notes}: http://sweatandyoga.com10off

Brand New 💦 Sweaty Yogi Car Rambles Podcast 💪🤸🏼‍♀️ where vitmas will also be happenin’:
ITUNES: http://sweatandyoga.comitunespodcast
GOOGLE PLAY: http://sweatandyoga.comgooglepodcast


The Only Essential Oil brand I love and trust:
If you are interested in joining my growing wellness team shoot me an e-mail at

Let’s get #socialgirlfriend ✌️





Music for this vid:

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links which means if you happen to make a purchase through one of the links, Sweat & Yoga will earn a small commission. Thanks so much for the support!
If you have any pre existing conditions please speak to a Dr. before performing any of these exercises – I always encourage you to drive your own vessel I can’t know what you’re feeling In your body – my goal is to help you get better at hearing it but at the end of the day all of this is up to you and therefore by doing this video you release Suncana and sweat and yoga from any liability.

Why Planks are so important to the core ?


Welcome to the month of Planks- ?oops I mean core….

Planks seem to be a back and forth thing – some people will say that’s the way to abs- others will say it’s a quick way to wreck your body.

I personally have teetered between those 2 views myself but alas I finally figured out what some of the keys are.

I love a good plank – full body burn & everything- they reel you in with the promise of sexy abs but what are planks really good for? How is the core affected and how can we make sure we get a full body engagement in a plank? ☝️

Planks are good for you but like other exercises they are very often done poorly & the compensations we create are what give planks their bad name at times.

In this video I cover some of the main reasons you should plank & they go way past the way you’ll look in a bikini- that’s just a welcome benefit! ?

I mean … think about it – the main muscles you are employing when you plank properly are the muscles that marry your top & bottom half. It’s probably a good thing if those 2 are connected – otherwise you’re like Phoebe on Friends when she gets shot in the butt with a dart- the 2 sides having no idea about each other ??

So grab some tea and come over to find out what doing planks correctly can do for your body here!☝️


Shirt: *********

? Sweat & Radiance

P.s.! Let’s connect over on the social media ✨

✨ 23 minute ✨ Playful & Safe Flow into Wild Thing Yoga Practice ??‍♀️


Flipping into Wild Thing is wild & fun play { I mean – who didn’t do this as a lively 10 year old?? *guilty* ?‍♀️} but baby girl try to take it slow into this backbending practice ***** maybe ****** even pause the video while we do that flow flip through & see how it feels to slow the flip through way way down. Like I’m talking snail pace or slower. ?

The heart openers in this flow make it a very vulnerable flow but don’t let that get the best of ya because in yoga as in life allowing yourself to be vulnerable while staying strong in your core is the best position you can take!

So pull up a mat & let’s Sweat & Yoga – just press play girl!



? Sweat & Radiance

P.s.! Let’s connect over on the social media ✨